My BMX Want List In December 2013

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I've been speaking to a mate of mine who is completely engrossed in Old School BMX, especially the 80's BMX Freestyle genre. He's told me that over time I will learn more about Old School BMX, my tastes will change and my want lists will go from cheap riders to the high-end 80's BMX's. It happened to him and it's bound to happen to me.

I completely disagree.

I'm going to keep track of my BMX want list. These are the bikes that I love, know about and really would love to own. So, here's my list:
  • New: 1986 to 1988 Orion Freestyle
  • New: 1990 Haro Group 1a Race Technique
  • New: 1989 Titan PRO-XL
The first BMX on my list is the 1988 Orion Freestyle. This is one of the Freestyle BMX's that I remember and loved as a kid. Sydney's west was all about BMX Racing. We didn't have the options that came out in Sydney's east and south. The only freestyle BMX's that I saw growing up were the Orion Freestyle and the Haro Master. I'd love an Orion Freestyle.
1988 Orion Freestyle
The 1988 Orion Freestyle that's on my want list.
The 1990 Haro Group 1a Race Technique is the older and stronger brother to my 1990 Haro Group 1b Race Technique. It came as a full chromo frame, painted in a fluro pink into fluro orange into fluro yellow paint scheme. It's what I wanted to buy as a kid, but couldn't afford.
1990 Haro Group 1a Race Technique
The 1990 Haro Group 1a Race Technique that's on my want list.
The 1989 Titan PRO-XL is beast of a BMX made from all titanium. It was light as a feather and had an industrial raw paint job that made it wicked! Plus my best mate raced on one and he was fast!
1989 Titan Pro XL BMX
The 1989 Titan PRO-XL BMX that's on my want list,
The 1990 Haro Group 1a and the 1989 Titan PRO-XL are my nice-to-have BMX's. They're just fond memories from my past and I never got to ride them as a kid. This makes me not want to spend ridiculous amounts of money trying to get them.

I'll update this list as time goes and as I manage to snag different BMX Bikes. So what BMX or freestyle bikes are on your list?


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